Marked safe from the cricket apocalypse…so far🦗🦗🦗

While summer's grasp weakens, the sun's intensity remains, and the crickets are staging their takeover. As I eagerly await hoodie weather, it's clear we're not quite there yet. The fearless Big Blue maintenance squad is boldly taking on the cricket invasion and seems to be emerging victorious... at least most of the time! ☀️🦗

I’m dropping my college freshman off at the dorms this weekend and WFISD starts up again next week. I honestly lost track of the time and can’t believe its MID august already!

Here is whats going on in the next week-ish:

Belly - Beats double class this Monday!

〰️Don't miss it! 〰️

Belly - Beats double class this Monday! 〰️Don't miss it! 〰️

Lively and Engaging Class for All Levels, Guaranteed to Energize Your Heart and Hips!

Tonight, August 10th at 7.30pm

Tye's Ab-Tastic and Pole Conditioning Class: Where Work Feels like Play, Complete with Twerk Breaks!

New Time Slot Trial – Support it by Signing Up!

Pole 201 has been filling up quickly! Next week, we're offering the class on both Wednesday and Thursday at 7.30pm. Get ready for a delightful choreography to the tune of 'Pour some sugar on me'! In the upcoming sessions, we'll polish our foundational routine and delve into incorporating those 'fancy tricks.' If you couldn't make it last week, don't worry, catching up shouldn’t be too challenging.


September Schedule and News


August Schedule and Studio updates